Category: reading posts

Blog Post #5

Harrison’s Chicago Race Riots provides an interesting narrative into why the Chicago Race Riots happened, but there’s little to actually back it up. An initial claim is that there were roving bands of whites and blacks terrorizing the other race, which with the Chicago Homicide data, seems to match up…

Blog Post #4

Like Johnson’s article mentions, the homicide database is biased. The victims information are not usually filled out completely, unless they’re police officers. We can tell where the interests of the Chicago Police Department lie with what they record. They record the full information about police officers, usually the full information…

Blog Post #3

I found it hard to tell an interesting story about my life this past week because the life of a college student is probably one of the most uninteresting things I could imagine. So, attempting to turn something mindbogglingly boring into something that is actually interesting is not exactly my…

Blog Post #2

Burke’s article, “Lunatics and Anarchists: Political Homicide in Chicago” and the Chicago Police Department Homicide Record Index (CPDHRI) are somewhat in line with one another. Burke talks about political unrest in the beginning of his article, and this is corroborated by the CPDHRI, some 70 people were killed in some…

Blog Post #1

Dr. Delmont’s, an expert in African-American history, project, “Why Busing Failed,” is an attempt at explaining the so called failure of busing during the Civil Rights era. The evidence Dr. Delmont uses is various propaganda pieces from journals, excerpts from trials, news paper articles, and different advertisements. Dr. Delmont makes…
